Oh Hello There!

Hey! I’m Abigail! 

I’m a born and raised Texan but I am currently located in Indiana where I am getting a BFA in Musical Theatre at Ball State University. Senior year! I am the second oldest of six kids, a dog lover, entrepreneur, and a huge fan of dried mangos!

My mom is a voice teacher as well and has taught me and my siblings to sing since we were fresh out the womb. I grew up singing classically in choirs, ensembles, and vocal competitions. When I got into high school, three of my closest friends and I started a barbershop quartet and began competing in the Sweet Adeline Barbershop competitions all across the country. We were reigning champions for the southern division and ended up getting 6th internationally! Alongside singing, I grew up playing soccer and golf. I was not a dancer. In fact, I was an anti-dancer. My soccer buddies and I wouldn’t even classify dance as a sport. Haha! Boy was I wrong! I have now been dancing for 8 years and am now eating my words! I started really diving head first into musical theater my freshman year of high school and never turned back!

Outside of theater and teaching voice, I love to swim! Anything outdoors involving water, I’m there! Wakesurfing, paddleboarding, snorkeling, swimming, you name it! When you grow up in 106 degree heat, you learn to love the water!

My plans for after college are to move to New York and start auditioning, taking classes, making connections, and teaching my private voice studio! I’m very open to other other opportunities like cruise lines, tours, regional and theme park work! The goal is to be a working actor whether that is dressing up as a princess for a party or on a Broadway stage. I am excited to see where life takes me next!